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"Citrus is the bright sunny partner of daffodils, sunnier days and beginning to hope for summer."

Citrus is the bright sunny partner of daffodils, sunnier days and beginning to hope for summer. It marks the transition from the cold grey of winter to the joy of spring. And it comes all at once!


Thankfully there are a lot of ways to make this springtime bounty last for all citrus fruits - not just the humble lemon!

Here are a few ideas to help you enjoy a little serving of sunshine for months to come.


Curd gift Summer Recipes 475 x 3803


For a quick citrus fix you can’t go past a creamy luscious curd. Lemon curd is rightfully a classic - perfect on a pikelet or scone with a dollop of soft whipped cream. Don’t forget our other citrus friends. Limes, oranges, tangelos and grapefruit also make excellent curds. Add a little lemon to sweeter orange curd for zesty brightness. Curds are also wonderful as fillings for light fluffy sponges, and dripping off buttery toast!

Whip up a toast-worthy treat:



Toast also loves a good marmalade. It can take time to prepare but it keeps for up to a year so you can bottle sunshine for when you need it!

If you need to convince a marmalade skeptic why not try lemon or lime marmalade for a softer flavour? Once you have the technique under your belt, any citrus can be made into delicious marmalade.

There are lots of ways to enjoy marmalade beyond just toast! Try a spoonful stirred into porridge and topped with blueberries. Make a decadent chocolate brownie swirled with warm orange. Or how about an upside down cake with a generous layer of marmalade underneath? The possibilities are endless...


Take on a lemon-y weekend project:

Lemons Image for Preserved Lemons


Preserved lemons have long been a staple of mediterranean and middle eastern cooking and they’re so simple to make! All you need is salt, lemons and any herbs or spices to give them an extra dimension. A few sliced cloves of garlic, sprigs of thyme or fresh chilli peppers in the jar will take them to the next level!

Did you know you can also preserve limes this way? They’re so delicious in curries and thai-style salads.


Use big juicy NZ limes and prepare them in exactly the same way as for lemons:



Get salting now!

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